Droid in a Void

Third-person puzzle platformer for PC

Game Summary

Droid in a Void is a 3D platformer puzzle game where you play as a small lost robot. The goal of the game is to jump from platform to platform exploring different rooms in search of the robot's home.


Programmer Level Designer Game Designer


  • Designed core mechanics.
  • Programmed and implemented gameplay in Unity3D.
  • Created level designs of various difficulty.

Tools Used:

Unity 3D C# Maya Plastic SCM Notion

Project Duration:

4 weeks


Character Controller

I created a custom physics based character controller for the game  which accurately simulates the robot's movements, including running, jumping, and landing, by using Unity's Rigidbody component.

Platform Types

There are three types of round platforms:

  • White are static platforms
  • Green disappearing platforms that vanish after 3 seconds, requiring precise timing
  • Red platforms are rotating clockwise/anticlockwise at random

The fourth type of platform is a recharging area. Here the player can recharge the energy that gets depleted as the robot moves.

Recharging Mechanic

Players are able to recharge their energy/stamina bar under charging stations under lights as the the robot uses light energy to move.

  • Charging mechanic creates meaningful risk/reward decisions around managing stamina.

  • I iteratively playtested charging station placement to balance gameplay difficulty and progression.

Level Design 

  • Here are some of the examples of levels I created for the game. 

  • I Iteratively playtested platform placement and their properties for optimal player engagement and difficulty curve.

Full Playthrough Video